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Ballougry Primary School, Londonderry

💙Mental Health Awareness Week 2020💜

19th May 2020

This week is focused on Mental Health Awareness Week 2020. The focus this year is 'Kindness' Now more than ever, it is key that we focus on looking after ourselves, being kind to ourselves and others, and remembering you're doing a great job through everything! All this week we'll be posting about Mental Health and Kindness.

There are lots of different approaches and support we can provide for our kids to help them through difficult scenarios. Sometimes it can be hard to deal with your emotions appropriately but here's some lovely activities which can help give our children the chance to work through some of their worries or concerns 😊

#ballougryps #learningforthefuture #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #KindnessMatters