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Ballougry Primary School, Londonderry


Our teachers are Mrs Park & Mrs Lynch

Our Classroom Assistant is Leona Russell


We are a happy and hard working class. We love to learn and we love to play. There are 11 children in our class altogether - 2 p1s and  9 p2s.


Some of the topics we will cover this year include:

Super me!

Festivals & Celebrations

Animals and growth


summer fun

fairy tales




29th May 2024
Today our classroom was full of teddy bears! We had a picnic in the front garden....
18th May 2024
P1/2 using our beautiful front garden in the lovely weather. Comparing the capacity...
9th May 2024
The library van will now come on a Thursday every fortnight. We enjoyed picking new...
1st May 2024
Last week we planted our own beanstalks and we are waiting from them to grow up to...

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